The Manners of Korea _ Peculiar and witty traditional landscapes of Korea
Imperial powers from the world and Japan at the latter days of Chosun dynasty did not just bring wondrous new culture and technologies when they demanded Chosun to open its door to outside world. They thrust the perspective of an anthropologist or a quasi-scientist, a view of modern era, before the people of Chosun. Discourteous foreign powers measured and evaluated people of Chosun by their own standards and defined them as lazy, primitive, passive and effeminate. This was to claim superiority by defining others to be inferior and feeble and justify barbaric behaviors of aggression.
The views of imperialistic invaders still lurk and unexpectedly appear all quarters of Korean society. All the manifoldly misunderstood and twisted pictures and images are easily found in our forklore and tradition. What are they? What is a tradition? Many distorted things are living with us with a mask called tradition on.
한국의 풍습 _ 어디에도
않는 전통
조선 후기, 일본을 포함한 제국이 들고 온 것은 놀랍고 신기한 신문물만이 아니었다. 그들의 가장 큰 무기는 인류학자. 유사 과학자로 분하여 조선인은 게으르고 미개하며, 수동적이고 여성적이라고 규정한 근대적 시선이었다. 이는 타인을 열성, 열등한 존재로 규정함으로써 우월성을 기반으로 한 정체성을 부여하고 침략이라는 야만의 행위를 정당화하기
위함이다. 흥미롭게도 제국의 시선은 여전히 한국 사회에서 곳곳에서 출몰한다. 이리저리 굴절된 전통의 이미지는 TV와 영화, 우리 주변의 민속과 전통에서 쉽게 발견할 수 있다. 그들은 누구인가? 전통은 무엇인가? 굴절된 많은 것들이 전통이라는 이름의 탈을 쓰고 앉아 있다. 기묘한 풍경이다.
Production Period : 2012- / Media : Digital c-print / Location : Incheon, South Korea / Number of Works : 10+
Title (From the Top) : Portefaix De Séoul, 100x125cm, Digital c-print, 2012 / Reisernte - Reinigen und Dreschen, 100x125cm, Digital c-print, 2012 / Postcards from Chosun : We are not what we think we are, We are not what you think we are, 2012 / Postcards from Chosun : You construct your identity by defining our image, 2012 / Postcards from Chosun, : This is where we find ourselves, Post Cards, 2012 / The Faces of Korea #1, 2016 / The Faces of Korea #2, 2016 / Installation View of ‘All Gates’ & Body Matters, 2016
Title (From the Top) : Portefaix De Séoul, 100x125cm, Digital c-print, 2012 / Reisernte - Reinigen und Dreschen, 100x125cm, Digital c-print, 2012 / Postcards from Chosun : We are not what we think we are, We are not what you think we are, 2012 / Postcards from Chosun : You construct your identity by defining our image, 2012 / Postcards from Chosun, : This is where we find ourselves, Post Cards, 2012 / The Faces of Korea #1, 2016 / The Faces of Korea #2, 2016 / Installation View of ‘All Gates’ & Body Matters, 2016